Friday, September 29, 2006
Graphic Arts Student Presents Photography Exhibit
ORSP, Academic Affairs and Library Co-Sponsor Authors Celebration
Monday, September 25, 2006
Learn More! Take a Library Tour!
Tuesdays...... 3:00 pm
Wednesdays... 10:00 am
Thursdays..... 12:00 pm
Tours are intended for individual students (although some professors offer "extra credit" for students who take tours) . Tours answer students ' basic questions:
- What materials does the library provide?
- What do I find on each floor?
- How can I check out videos? digital cameras? group study rooms?
- How can I get help using the library (the Reference Desk, by appointment)
Questions? Email Betsy Richmond or call the Reference Desk (836-4076).Tours are a good introduction to the library , but are not intended to replace library instruction sessions covering research methods, finding articles and other materials for an assignment.
For library instruction sessions for your classes, please contact an individual librarian or Karen Pope ( Library instruction sessions can include a short tour.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Buy a Used Laptop at the Laptop Auction
Online bidding will start Monday, September 25 8:00AM
Online bidding will end Wednesday, September 27 8:00PM
Winning bidders MUST pick up their items Thursday, September 28 9:00AM – 2:00PM
More detailed information and a link to the auction page can be found at our Auction Information Page
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
United Way Basket Raffle

The library is again donating a basket to raise money for the United Way this year. The basket includes a lot of great items such as books, movies, music, gift certificates and other assorted items. A complete list of prizes is available at
Tickets, $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00, will be available for purchase starting Friday, September 15 during the basket's appearance on the campus mall from 11am - 1pm. You can also purchase tickets at the McIntyre Library Reference Desk starting Monday, September 18 between 8am and 4:30pm M-F.
The drawing for winners of all the United Way theme baskets will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, September 29 at the United Way Booth across from the Davies Service Center. You need not be present to win.
New Lab Opens for Business

The library's newest lab, L1033, opened last last week. Located on the first floor behind the Reference Desk, it includes 30 workstations and seats 40. The library is primarily used for information literacy sessions taught by librarians as part of classes, but is also reserveable by faculty through the Reference Desk and is an open access lab when classes are not in session.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Library Tours Start Monday, September 11
Fall 2006 Tour Schedule:
Weeks of September 11, 18, 25 and Oct 2 at:
Mondays........5:30 pm
Tours are intended for individual students (although some professors offer "extra credit" for students who take tours) . Tours answer students ' basic questions:
- What materials does the library provide?
- What do I find on each floor?
- How can I check out videos? digital cameras? group study rooms?
- How can I get help using the library (the Reference Desk, by appointment)
Questions? Email Betsy Richmond or call the Reference Desk (836-4076).
Tours are a good introduction to the library , but are not intended to replace library instruction sessions covering research methods, finding articles and other materials for an assignment.
For library instruction sessions for your classes, please contact an individual librarian or Karen Pope ( Library instruction sessions can include a short tour.
Video Presentation for September 11 Anniversary

"Democracy's Challenge, Reclaiming the Public's Role," a September 11 video presentation, will be held in the new library lab, L 1033, from 11am-1 p.m.
This presentation is part of the September Project, which encourages libraries to host free civic events about freedom, democracy, and citizenship in remembrance of September 11th.
Stop in to learn how you can help restore our democracy to full health. For more information, contact Leslie Foster.
Welcome Back New Students!
- Check out the new lab on the First Floor near the Reference collection. It will be used for library instructions sessions and other classes, as well as be an open access lab when classes aren't in session.
- Our DVD Collection is available for browsing - now on the First Floor near the CDs.
- A newly redesigned web site. If you have comments or questions, let us know.
- Construction continues on the Second, Fourth and Fifth floors. Stacks have been configured on both floors, allowing us to build two new group studies on Fourth and to move Special Collections from Old Library to Fifth. Construction should be completed by mid-October throughout the building.