We welcome Mary Hable, our new cataloging assistant. Mary worked in the library as a student assistant, than as an LTE. For the past seven years, Mary was the administrative coordinator for the Friends of the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library and worked on their capital campaign. We are happy to have her back!
Sara Ipsen and Erin Cyr have installed their final installation project for Art 382 in the main stairwell on the first floor of McIntyre Library. There are three pieces of photo-mosaics on fabric. Each are portraits of soldiers that are composites of many images. The installation will remain up until the end of the first two weeks of the new semester. Stop by and see this unique works of art. Congratulations Sara and Erin!
We are always so proud of the excellent students work here in McIntyre Library. They have excellent dedication and provide great service to their fellow students. All of the rest of the staff look upon their graduation with some sadness that they will be leaving us but with great happiness for their many accomplishments as students.
This semester we have decided that we need to recognize their scholarly accomplishments in a tangible way. We have begun a tradition of dedicating a book to each of our graduating student staff as a way of thanking them for their service and recognizing their educational achievement. Each will have their name placed on a bookplate in a book related to their area of study. This semester we had five graduates.
Stop in the library grand corridor to visit Hans Kishel's gaming displays. Take your turn viewing games for all ages and interests, see books related to gaming topics. View his impressive dice collection, roll over to the war games, and win with the display on game design .