Thursday, December 21, 2006
Free EndNote Access with Web of Science
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Voyager Catalog Unavailable Jan 2-3
All other University of Wisconsin campuses will be upgrading during the period of Jan. 2 - Jan 15, which will affect Universal Borrowing. UB will be disabled Dec. 26 - Jan. 3, after which each campus will be re-enabled once that campus has upgraded to version 6.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Library Service Offerings Over Holiday Break
The library will be open 7:30am - 4:30pm December 26-29.
Interlibrary loan and DE requests for materials from other libraries will not be processed during this week. They will be processed again starting on January 2.
The Reference Desk will be open from 10am - 2pm during this week.
The Periodicals Office will be open from 9 - 11am during this week.
Special Collections will be closed starting December 21st - January 21st as they move to their new location on the Fifth floor.
The library will be closed December 23, 24, 25 and December 30, 31 and January 1st. Have a safe and happy holiday!
New Resources: Knovel and Historical Statistics of the United States
Knovel Library: Collection of full text reference books and databases from more than 30 Sci-Tech publishers and professional societies including, McGraw Hill, John Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Industrial Press, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and American Society of Mechanical Engineers covering 18 industrially important Subject Areas in the fields of Chemistry and the Life Sciences; Materials; and Engineering. All sources are full text in PDF format, and many include interactive tables,, graphs and live equations allowing you analyze the data you find.
Historical Statistics of the United States: definitive source of statistics and data about the United States and a key resource for American history research from Colonial times to the present. Includes statistics from over 1,000 sources covering data on social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade.
Other resources can be found by clicking on Research-->Find Resource-->and typing in the name.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
It's a Jungle in Here! - December 20 Storytime Session
These storytime sessions are held the last Wednesday of each month. (The December session was moved up a week due to the end of the semester.) The IMC will still be open, but students should be aware that it will get quite loud. For more information contact Kati Tvaruzka, Education Reference Librarian, at
Monday, December 11, 2006
Reading Partners Reading Chain on Display in IMC
Friday, December 01, 2006
"Experiments with Collage" on display
This group exhibition explores the ideas of collage and juxtaposition through material, process, and concept. Thirteen students from ART 402: Advanced Two-Dimensional Studio created work for this exhibition. Exhibiting artists are: Clayton Brice, Reyna Collura, Rick Conlin, Joan Crane, Samantha Gund, Theo Howard, Amy Krause, Kim Peterson, Aaron Schasse, Andrea Seeley, Kathleen Spaeth, Zach Stensen, and Sara Stone.
For more information please contact Jill Olm at
Monday, November 27, 2006
Extended Hours During Pre-Finals & Finals Week & FREE Coffee!
The library will be open:
Monday, December 11 from 7:00 a.m. until midnight Friday, December 15
Saturday, December 16 from 7:30 a.m. until midnight
Sunday, December 17 from 7:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 22
Free coffee, sponsored by McIntyre Library, Student Senate, Circle K, Model U.N. and the French Club, will be available from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. to students studying in the library Sunday through Wednesday nights, December 17-20.
For more information contact Kati Tvaruzka, or 836-4522, or call the Reference Desk at 836-3858.
Preschool Storytime Session Wednesday
These storytime sessions are held the last Wednesday of each month. The IMC will still be open, but students should be aware that it will get quite loud. For more information contact Kati Tvaruzka, Education Librarian at or 836-4522.
Special Collections Closed During Winter Break
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pierian Press Databases Discontinued
Friday, November 17, 2006
Faculty Scholarship Exhibit
Fractured Fairytales Display in IMC
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Applications Now Being Accepted for Director of Libraries
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Burials, Baths, and Beyond Exhibit Opens
A reception will also be held to celebrate the exhibit's opening at 2:30pm on November 2, with comments from Dr. Richard Freund and Interim Director of Libraries Christopher Cox at 3pm. Refreshments will be served.
The library would like to thank Professor Harry Jol for approaching us with this opportunity, and Tom Wagener for his assistance in mounting the exhibit.
The library is also looking for new exhibits in our new space on the fourth and fifth floors, as well as the Grand Corridor. Please contact Christopher Cox if interested.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Chancellor Honored with Book
The library also will add a book of the Chancellor's choice to the McIntyre Library Collection. The book will be affixed with a bookplate which will note that he chose the book and that it was added to the collection in celebration of his inauguration.
We congratulate Brian Levin-Stankevich on becoming the seventh chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and offer him best wishes and continued success in this new endeavor.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Spectator Distribution Point in the Library
New issue of Off the Shelf
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Children's Center Story Time Program
Christopher Cox Named Interim Director

Christopher Cox, Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of Libraries, has been named Interim Director of Libraries.
Cox joined the faculty in August 2004 after serving as Reference/Instruction Librarian at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Previous to that he worked at the Moffat Library of Washingtonville in New York.
Cox has written numerous articles and book chapters on diverse technological topics such as streaming media, course management systems, and virtual reference. His work has been published in College & Research Libraries News, Computers in Libraries and portal: Libraries and the Academy. He currently serves as editor of Internet Reference Services Quarterly, as column editor for College and Undergraduate Libraries, and is a frequent reviewer for Choice Magazine.
Cox is a proud member of both the American Library Association (ALA) and the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), serving on various committees including the AASL/ACRL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy.
Happy Retirement, Bob!

Robert Rose, Director of Libraries at UW-Eau Claire for over eight years, retired last week (see University press release).
Bob led the library in an exemplary fashion through a period of transformation. He oversaw the changeover to a new integrated library system and weathered periodical cancellations, budget and staff cuts all with intelligence and grace, and never allowed the library’s quality of service to be diminished. His mark can be seen in the many changes which have taken place within the physical library building, including the installation of artwork, the addition of upholstered seating, the creation of an information literacy lab, the move and remodel of the IMC and the most recent reconfiguration of the library’s stacks and construction of a new Special Collections and Archives area on the library’s fifth floor. Many of these changes were undertaken at the behest of the library’s users, who he often championed and always listened to. This is no more obvious than in the improvements he made on behalf of disabled users, and the family friendly study room he created for our students with children.
Congratulations, Bob! We'll miss you!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Four Author Readings Friday, October 20
Friday, October 20
4:30 pm
Janis Amatuzio and Katherine Schneider
Amatuzio, MD, author of Forever Ours and known as the "compassionate coroner" is the founder and president of Midwest Forensic Pathology, P.A. She serves as Coroner and provides forensic pathology services for several counties in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Schneider's book To the Left of Inspiration: Adventures in Living with Disabilities was published by Dog Ear Publishing in March of 2006. A UW-Eau Claire senior psychology emerita, Schneider received her bachelor of science in psychology from Michigan State and her doctorate in clinical psychology from Purdue University.
Friday, October 20
7:30 pm
Bill Holm and Cathy Sultan
In a compact collection of two dozen short essays and prose poems Bill Holm explores his life and, by extension, our lives, and how they flow together to make the life of a community, and then a country, and then a world.
Sultan, a native of Washington, D.C. lived in Beirut, Lebanon, from 1969 to 1983. Her memoir A Beirut Heart: One Woman's War, published by Scarletta Press in November 2005, recounts her family's survival during the Lebanese civil war. In her second book, Israel and Palestinian Voices: A Dialogue with Both Sides, published by Scarletta Press in March 2006, Cathy attempts to open eyes to the human realities of life in Israel-Palestine through interviews she conducted in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Patricia Hampl Reading Wednesday, October 18
Hampl ( is Regents’ Professor at the University of Minnesota and the author of three highly acclaimed memoirs-- A Romantic Education (1981), Virgin Time: In Search of the Contemplative Life (1992), and I Could Tell You Stories: Sojourns in the Land of Memory (1999)--all of which were selected as New York Times Notable Books of the year, as well as two volumes of poetry. She is the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship (the so-called “genius” grant) along with fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts (twice, in poetry and prose), Bush Foundation, Ingram Merrill Foundation, and Djerassi Foundation. Her work has appeared in many publications, including The New Yorker, Paris Review, New York Times Book Review, Ploughshares, Antaeus and Kenyon Review.
Co-sponsored by the library, the English Department, and the Chippewa Valley Book Festival (
Library Co-Sponsors Marge Piercy Reading
Sponsored by Chippewa Valley Book Festival, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education and Human Sciences, English department, McIntyre Library, Provost’s office, Office of University Research and Sponsored Programs, Student Development and Diversity, and Women’s Studies.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Special Collections Hours Change
Friday, September 29, 2006
Graphic Arts Student Presents Photography Exhibit
ORSP, Academic Affairs and Library Co-Sponsor Authors Celebration
Monday, September 25, 2006
Learn More! Take a Library Tour!
Tuesdays...... 3:00 pm
Wednesdays... 10:00 am
Thursdays..... 12:00 pm
Tours are intended for individual students (although some professors offer "extra credit" for students who take tours) . Tours answer students ' basic questions:
- What materials does the library provide?
- What do I find on each floor?
- How can I check out videos? digital cameras? group study rooms?
- How can I get help using the library (the Reference Desk, by appointment)
Questions? Email Betsy Richmond or call the Reference Desk (836-4076).Tours are a good introduction to the library , but are not intended to replace library instruction sessions covering research methods, finding articles and other materials for an assignment.
For library instruction sessions for your classes, please contact an individual librarian or Karen Pope ( Library instruction sessions can include a short tour.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Buy a Used Laptop at the Laptop Auction
Online bidding will start Monday, September 25 8:00AM
Online bidding will end Wednesday, September 27 8:00PM
Winning bidders MUST pick up their items Thursday, September 28 9:00AM – 2:00PM
More detailed information and a link to the auction page can be found at our Auction Information Page
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
United Way Basket Raffle

The library is again donating a basket to raise money for the United Way this year. The basket includes a lot of great items such as books, movies, music, gift certificates and other assorted items. A complete list of prizes is available at
Tickets, $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00, will be available for purchase starting Friday, September 15 during the basket's appearance on the campus mall from 11am - 1pm. You can also purchase tickets at the McIntyre Library Reference Desk starting Monday, September 18 between 8am and 4:30pm M-F.
The drawing for winners of all the United Way theme baskets will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, September 29 at the United Way Booth across from the Davies Service Center. You need not be present to win.
New Lab Opens for Business

The library's newest lab, L1033, opened last last week. Located on the first floor behind the Reference Desk, it includes 30 workstations and seats 40. The library is primarily used for information literacy sessions taught by librarians as part of classes, but is also reserveable by faculty through the Reference Desk and is an open access lab when classes are not in session.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Library Tours Start Monday, September 11
Fall 2006 Tour Schedule:
Weeks of September 11, 18, 25 and Oct 2 at:
Mondays........5:30 pm
Tours are intended for individual students (although some professors offer "extra credit" for students who take tours) . Tours answer students ' basic questions:
- What materials does the library provide?
- What do I find on each floor?
- How can I check out videos? digital cameras? group study rooms?
- How can I get help using the library (the Reference Desk, by appointment)
Questions? Email Betsy Richmond or call the Reference Desk (836-4076).
Tours are a good introduction to the library , but are not intended to replace library instruction sessions covering research methods, finding articles and other materials for an assignment.
For library instruction sessions for your classes, please contact an individual librarian or Karen Pope ( Library instruction sessions can include a short tour.
Video Presentation for September 11 Anniversary

"Democracy's Challenge, Reclaiming the Public's Role," a September 11 video presentation, will be held in the new library lab, L 1033, from 11am-1 p.m.
This presentation is part of the September Project, which encourages libraries to host free civic events about freedom, democracy, and citizenship in remembrance of September 11th.
Stop in to learn how you can help restore our democracy to full health. For more information, contact Leslie Foster.
Welcome Back New Students!
- Check out the new lab on the First Floor near the Reference collection. It will be used for library instructions sessions and other classes, as well as be an open access lab when classes aren't in session.
- Our DVD Collection is available for browsing - now on the First Floor near the CDs.
- A newly redesigned web site. If you have comments or questions, let us know.
- Construction continues on the Second, Fourth and Fifth floors. Stacks have been configured on both floors, allowing us to build two new group studies on Fourth and to move Special Collections from Old Library to Fifth. Construction should be completed by mid-October throughout the building.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Library Closed Labor Day Weekend
Faculty Open House a Success!
We also raffled off a number of prizes. The winners are...
Pair of tickets to American Players Theater performance of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure at 8 p.m. on Sept. 23, 2006 at APT in Spring Green, WI.
(Anonymous donation)
Anne Utschig, English
Pair of tickets to American National Ballet at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 26, 2006 at the State Theatre in Eau Claire, WI
(Anonymous donation)
Harry Jol, Geography & Anthropology
Your Face on a READ Poster
McIntyre Library
Ethan Wickham, Music
Size L blue UW-Eau Claire tee shirt
(donated by UW-Eau Claire Campus Bookstore)
Bonnie Solem, Nursing-Family Health
Polarctic UW-Eau Claire logo throw or blanket
(donated by UW-Eau Claire Foundation)
Paul Connor, Biology
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire tote bag, blue mesh, including blue ceramic logo mug and set of UW-Eau Claire blank note cards
(donated by UW-Eau Claire Foundation)
Signe Matsson, Advising
Two-tier candle holder with candles
(donated by Trucker’s Union, 413 Water Street )
Martha Fay, Communication & Journalism
Gift certificate for shampoo, cut & style with Kathryn Mamary at Starr’s Sister, 412 Water Street
(donated by Starr’s Sister)
Donna Raleigh, LTS
$25.00 Gift certificate to Crossroad Books, 301 South Barstow, Eau Claire
(donated by Crossroad Books)
Amy TeBeest, Human Resources
Your Face on a READ Poster
McIntyre Library
Tanya Falbel, Biology
Gift certificate for 30 minute Massage Therapy from University Recreation at UW-Eau Claire Crest Fitness Center
(donated by University Recreation & Sport Facilities)
Jan Sikora, Human Resources
Gift certificate for Weekend Canoe/Kayak Package (Must be UW-Eau Claire Student, Faculty or Staff member to use)
(donated by University Recreation & Sport Facilities) (Lark solicited this one)
Bonnie Isaacson, Advising
Gift certificate to be redeemed for 1 pair of UW-Eau Claire Forum Series tickets, the event to be chosen by the winner
(donated by UW-Eau Claire University Centers & Programs)
Chad Wittkop, Geology
Gift certificate to be redeemed for 1 pair of UW-Eau Claire Artists Series tickets, the event to be chosen by the winner
(donated by UW-Eau Claire University Centers & Programs)
John Baltes, Loss Prevention & Safety
Stone Tree - $15.00 gift certificate to gift shop at 204 Water Street
(donated by Stone Tree)
Kevin Gawley, Theatre
Your Face on a READ Poster
McIntyre Library
William Benson, Art, Retired
$20 gift certificate toward services at Integrative Skincare at 1227C Menomonie Street in Eau Claire.
(donated by Integrative Skincare)
Lois Helland, Biology
Pair of tickets to Lori Line & Her Pop Chamber Orchestra 2006 Holiday Extravaganza Concert, December 17, 2006, Zorn Arena on the UW-Eau Claire Campus
(donated by University Activities Commission)
Jeremy Gragert, Service Learning
Brass rubbing (donated by Bob Rose) 40 inches tall x 14 inches wide, hand done brass rubbing of Elizabeth Benningham, black on brown in metal frame
(donated by Bob Rose)
Barb Bowers, Human Resources
Large ceramic bowl--16 inches in diameter, hand made, blue-beige-white
(donated by Bob Rose)
Tracy Yengo, Kinesiology
Friday, August 18, 2006
Save time doing homework! Take a Library Tour this Fall
Find out how to:
Check out a laptop, digital camera, or video camera
Find books and articles
Ask a question online or in person
Schedule a group study room
Check out a video
Locate call numbers and more...
2006 Fall Tours
during the 4 weeks of
September 11, 18, 25
Oct 2.
Mondays........5:30 pm
Tuesdays...... 3:00 pm
Wednesdays... 10:00 am
Thursdays..... 12:00 pm
Other tours by request
Ask at the Reference Desk: (715) 836-3858
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Mosby's Nursing Consult - Trial
MD Consult - Trial
MD Consult
Friday, July 28, 2006
Free Trial of ebrary
Free Trial of WestLaw Campus Research
WestLaw Campus Research.
Monday, June 19, 2006
DVDs Now Browseable on First Floor
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Wojahn Publishes Children's Book
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Damon Campbell Wins Award
Damon will be graduating this year and moving on to study medicine at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He sums up his experiences working in the library as follows:
"Coming to UW-Eau Claire was the logical step towards continuing on with my goal of becoming a medical doctor. Upon arriving on campus my first year, I quickly set out to find employment so that I would be able to afford my education. Within the first few weeks, I was offered and accepted employment at an on campus cafeteria and at the McIntyre Library.
My first semester of college was a hectic time, balancing twenty credits, finishing a needlework tapestry piece for each of my grandmothers, and working 21 hours a week at my two jobs. It was during this time that I planned out the rest of my college courses and determined that I could graduate in three years with a chemistry degree if I took a considerable amount of credits each semester and continued to work hard.
This May I will be graduating after only three years with an A.C.S. Comprehensive Chemistry degree, a 3.98 GPA, two publications in respected scientific journals for biochemistry research I have done while an undergraduate, and an acceptance letter to the UW Medical School in Madison. Additionally, I had the honor of being the 2005-2006 “College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Student.” I will always look back on (most) of my college career with fond memories, especially at my time spent working the McIntyre Library."
Congratulations to Graduating Student Workers
(Collection Development) on their graduation. We'll miss you!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Library named "Best Place to Do Homework"
Thursday, May 04, 2006
24 Hours and Free Coffee!
May 8 – 13
Library opens Sunday morning 7:30 a.m. and stays open continuously until midnight Friday. Open Saturday May 13 from 7:30am –midnight.
May 14-19
Library opens Sunday morning 7:30 a.m. and stays open continuously until 7 p.m. Friday. CLOSED Saturday and Sunday May 20, 21.
FREE COFFEE is available to hardworking students studying in McIntyre Library from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. Sunday through Wednesday nights, May 14-17th.
Best of luck to everyone on their final tests and projects and have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
New Edition of McIntyre Library Advantage
In this month's issue:
Spring Means Gardening - Get Your Hands Dirty
It's spring and flowers are popping up all over. In honor of this annual renewal, we offer you a collection of articles which...
Stacks on the Move
During this summer and fall, a new Special Collections and Archives area will be built on the fifth floor of the library. In order to accommodate this new area...
Weeding our Collections
McIntyre Library staff is concentrating efforts on weeding our book collections in order to both make newer titles more prominent and to remove damaged, outdated, superseded, and unused materials from the collection...
The Man in the Red Van
The van and delivery agent are part of the “red box currier service"...
Did It Hit the Spot? Your Impressions of our SearchSpot Marketing Campaign
How did you hear about SearchSpot? Your feedback will help us with future marketing of library products and services...
Did You Know. . .
Planning ahead for fall 2006 classes? Did you know...
Ask Mac
Hey, Mac: My students don’t understand how to cite their sources and are sometimes loath to ask...
New Arrivals (CDs and Graphic Novels)
These seedlings are bound to grow your interest in our collections...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Quiet Study Zone Moved to Fourth Floor
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Ukrainian WWII Lecture Wednesday April 12
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Presidents Room, Davies Center
C.K. Lucyk, author of the historical novel Deep Wells, Burning Forests, will conduct a reading and workshop presentation on the oral histories and research she collected to portray the Ukrainian experience of competing nationalist factions and defining the enemy during World War II, and the postwar situation of displaced Ukrainians.
Ms. Lucyk is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, director and founder of a private English-language school in Vorarlberg, Austria, former journalist, and second-generation Ukrainian immigrant.
Event sponsors: The Department of History, The Center for International Education, The Department of Foreign Languages, and McIntyre Library.
Join a Focus Group to Pick Our New Logo
Tell Us What You READ
READ Campaign for National Library Week

McIntyre Library kicking off a new campaign in honor of National Library Week, April 2-8. Spearheaded by the American Library Association, National Library Week was started in 1958 as a national observance of the contribution of libraries, librarians and library workers to their schools, campuses and communities.
For years ALA has been promoting libraries and literacy by having celebrities pose for "READ" posters. McIntyre Library asked eight campus "celebrities" to pick their favorite books and pose with them for UW-Eau Claire's own set of READ posters. These include the interim chancellor, provost, assistant provost and other faculty and staff. Full-size posters will be exhibited in the library's Grand Corridor, with smaller ones distributed and hung around campus. An accompanying display in the library will offer the reasons why the people featured chose their books.
The library also will have a shelf of library picks and has created a blog for students and faculty to use to share their favorite books. Finally, there will be displays on the various library floors highlighting the McIntyre Library's collections. We hope this campaign will be a hit with students and help spread the word about what our library has to offer and the continuing value of libraries in creating an informed and civil society.