- December 21-22: CLOSED
- December 23: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
- December 24-25: CLOSED
- December 26-27: 7:30 am - 10 pm
- December 28-29: CLOSED
- December 30: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
- December 31 - January 1, 2014: CLOSED
Friday, December 20, 2013
Library Hours Dec. 21 - Jan. 1
McIntyre Library will be open a reduced number of hours between the fall semester end and the start of Winterim classes on January 2. See below for more information:
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Free Coffee During Finals Week

Good luck on your tests!
Your friends at McIntyre Library
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Finals week stress relievers in McIntyre Library
Stressed by finals week? McIntyre Library has a plethora of things in store for you to relieve your stresses.
Dogs in McIntyre Library: Pet local therapy dogs throughout the week. The dogs will be here the following days and times near the main stairwell.
Dance Party in McIntyre Library: On Sunday, December 15 from 9-10 pm, dance your stresses away on the library's 2nd floor. A DJ will play music while you take a break from studying with the free food provided. McIntyre Library and the Lookout are sponsors of this event.
Relaxation Stations: On Monday & Tuesday of finals week (December 16&17) stop by the relaxation stations in the library entryway (riverside entrance) to get a professional massage, grab a piece of fruit, make your own stress ball, or use some aromatherapy lotion. This event is sponsored by Student Health Services.
Music & Coloring Therapy - Color your stress away in McIntyre Library to classical music recorded by our own University Chamber Orchestra. Coloring pages and crayons are provided. Located on first floor near the TV & Book Sale shelf. This event will be held the following days and times:

- Sunday, December 15, 6-7 pm
- Monday, December 16, 4:30-7 pm
- Tuesday, December 17, 5-7 pm
- Wednesday, December 18, 5-5:45 pm

Relaxation Stations: On Monday & Tuesday of finals week (December 16&17) stop by the relaxation stations in the library entryway (riverside entrance) to get a professional massage, grab a piece of fruit, make your own stress ball, or use some aromatherapy lotion. This event is sponsored by Student Health Services.
Music & Coloring Therapy - Color your stress away in McIntyre Library to classical music recorded by our own University Chamber Orchestra. Coloring pages and crayons are provided. Located on first floor near the TV & Book Sale shelf. This event will be held the following days and times:
- Sunday, December 15th: 6:00-7:00 PM
- Monday, December 16th: 5:00-6:00 PM
- Tuesday, December 17th: 5:00-6:00 PM
- Wednesday, December 18th: 5:00-6:00 PM
Monday, December 02, 2013
Pre-finals and finals week library hours (12/9-12/21)
McIntyre Library will be open 24 hours the week before and of finals, beginning December 9.
During winter break the library will be closed December 21-22, 24-25, 28-29, 31, and January 1.
For the complete listing of hours, visit the library's website.
- Pre-finals week: The library will open on Monday, December 9 starting at 7 a.m. and stay open continuously until Friday, December 13 at midnight.
- On Saturday, December 14, the library will open at 7:30 a.m. and close at midnight.
- Finals week: The library will open Sunday, December 15 at 7:30 a.m. and stay open continuously until Friday, December 20 at 7 p.m.
During winter break the library will be closed December 21-22, 24-25, 28-29, 31, and January 1.
For the complete listing of hours, visit the library's website.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
19th Annual Fundraiser for Hmong Mutual Assistance Association
The McIntyre Library Staff Association is conducting its annual collection to benefit those served by the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association (HMAA) rice pantry.
Last year we raised enough donations to purchase 4826 pounds of rice, making a difference in the lives of our Eau Claire area neighbors. A donation of $20 can feed a family of 5 or 6 for a month.
Last year we raised enough donations to purchase 4826 pounds of rice, making a difference in the lives of our Eau Claire area neighbors. A donation of $20 can feed a family of 5 or 6 for a month.
New this year, in addition to cash or check, you can donate through Paypal.
- Checks should be made payable to McIntyre Library Staff Association.
- Donations can be submitted via mail or campus mail to:
- Daniel Hillis, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702
For more information, see our HMAA Fundraiser guide or contact Jill Markgraf
Friday, November 22, 2013
Thanksgiving Week Library Hours
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, we're closed and reducing hours next week (11/24-12/1). See below for a listing of the holiday hours.
Remember, we're always available online!
Remember, we're always available online!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Welcome Trista Anderson, New Library Program Associate!
McIntyre Library is happy to have a new Library Program Associate, Trista Anderson. You will find Trista in McIntyre Library's administrative office (L3002). Please contact her with any questions you have at 715-836-3715 or email her (tomantn@uwec.edu).
Trista is a UW-Eau Claire alumna, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009. She majored in Photography with an Art History minor. Trista also completed a certificate program in Fine Arts Administration.
While not at work, Trista and her husband Matt keep busy as they make improvements to their 93-year-old home in Eau Claire. They don’t have any kids yet, but they do have a mini-dachshund named Bowser who provides them with daily entertainment. Trista is excited to be working with the excellent students, faculty and staff at UW-Eau Claire and McIntyre Library is happy to have her on board!
Trista is a UW-Eau Claire alumna, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009. She majored in Photography with an Art History minor. Trista also completed a certificate program in Fine Arts Administration.
While not at work, Trista and her husband Matt keep busy as they make improvements to their 93-year-old home in Eau Claire. They don’t have any kids yet, but they do have a mini-dachshund named Bowser who provides them with daily entertainment. Trista is excited to be working with the excellent students, faculty and staff at UW-Eau Claire and McIntyre Library is happy to have her on board!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Federal government websites back online
Good news! The federal government shutdown came to an end with the October 16th passage of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 followed by the President signing the bill into law on October 17th.
How does this affect you? The end of the government shutdown means that most federal websites are now back online. To find information published by government agencies, try:
How does this affect you? The end of the government shutdown means that most federal websites are now back online. To find information published by government agencies, try:
- USA.gov directory for quick access to websites published by government agencies
- McIntyre Library's Statistics Research Guide for resources useful for finding statistics and data
- McIntyre Library's Statistics Databases for even more resources
Questions about using government information and documents in your research? Contact Robin Miller, Research & Instruction/Government Publications Librarian at McIntyre Library.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Microwave Available for Student Use in Library
Did you know that McIntyre Library now offers a microwave for students to use? You can find the microwave in the lower level of the library next to the vending machines.
If you use the microwave, please be courteous to other users and clean up after yourself.
Thank you to the many students who have left comments in our suggestion box about wanting one of these in the library. Keep giving us good suggestions!
If you use the microwave, please be courteous to other users and clean up after yourself.
Thank you to the many students who have left comments in our suggestion box about wanting one of these in the library. Keep giving us good suggestions!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Entrance to Library from Campus Mall Open!
10/31/13, 9:15 am
The library's campus mall entrance is now OPEN!!!
The library's mall entrance will be closed starting on October 16 while it is resurfaced. This process should take the entire week.
To enter the library, please use the riverside entrance or enter through Schofield/Old Library.
This blog post will be updated when the project is complete.
*Update* 10/15/13, 10:43 am
The project has been delayed by inclement weather. Expect the resurfacing to start on 10/16 or whenever the weather is better.
10/16/13, 9 am
We're still waiting on better weather for the project to start. We'll notify you when the project is up and running.
10/16/13, 1:20 pm
The library campus mall entrance is now closed for resurfacing.
The library's campus mall entrance is now OPEN!!!
The library's mall entrance will be closed starting on October 16 while it is resurfaced. This process should take the entire week.
To enter the library, please use the riverside entrance or enter through Schofield/Old Library.
This blog post will be updated when the project is complete.
*Update* 10/15/13, 10:43 am
The project has been delayed by inclement weather. Expect the resurfacing to start on 10/16 or whenever the weather is better.
10/16/13, 9 am
We're still waiting on better weather for the project to start. We'll notify you when the project is up and running.
10/16/13, 1:20 pm
The library campus mall entrance is now closed for resurfacing.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Library Tours from September 9 through October 4
McIntyre Library Tours
Beginning on Monday, September 9 and ending on Friday, October 4, Library faculty and staff will conduct 30-minute McIntyre Library building tours, briefly describing services, assistance, and collections. Tour times are varied (see schedule following) and designed to meet the needs of a variety of students. While the tours are student-focused, we welcome others. No need to register--just meet at the times below in the Grand Corridor.
Tours answer questions such as:
· Where are magazines (or journals, books, DVDs, electronic articles, government documents, current newspapers, rare books, etc.)?
· What are the library hours?
· Where do I check out materials? How long may I keep them? How are books arranged?
· How do students reserve a group study room or check out a laptop or camera?
· How do I ask for help? (Chat, email, phone, text, and in person.)
· Does the library have scanners and photocopiers?
· Is there really an exercise room in the library?
· What's new in the library and on our web pages?
Tour schedule:
Tours will be conducted beginning on Monday, September 9 and ending on Friday, October 4.
· Mondays at 5:00 pm
· Tuesdays at 3 pm
· Wednesdays at 10 am
· Thursdays at noon
· No tours on Fridays
For more information about the tours, call the Reference Desk at 715-836-3858 or e-mail library.reference@uwec.edu. To schedule a library instruction session, contact your library liaison http://www.uwec.edu/Library/reference/Library-Instructional-Faculty.htm or use our online form http://www.uwec.edu/Library/reference/Schedule-a-Library-Class.htm
Sunday, September 15, 2013
New issue of Library Newsletter
McIntyre Library is pleased to announce the newest issue of its library newsletter Off the Shelf. In this issue you will meet the newest addition to McIntyre Library: Kate Hinnant, be introduced to the new McIntyre Library search tool Library Search, learn how McIntyre Library is part of a nationwide assessment program, find out about new acquisitions in popular fiction & DVDs, and a new Special Collections & Archives display.
Get your copy online today!
Get your copy online today!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Library Exhibit in Davies Center Explores the People Behind our Buildings
Have you ever wondered who W. L. Zorn is, or what is significant about Richard Hibbard? Opening this fall, a new exhibit in the Davies Center’s Alumni Room will explore the people after whom campus buildings are named.
The exhibit was developed by McIntyre Library’s Special Collections and Archives and draws heavily from photographs and information available through the department. The Special Collections and Archives is the official repository of historic campus photographs and other unique historical materials.
If you go:
Where: Alumni Room, W. R. Davies Center
When: 2013-14 Academic Year*
*Please note that the exhibit will be unavailable for viewing while the Alumni Room is occupied for other events.
![]() |
Harvey Schofield, first president of the college, guided the
campus from 1916-1940. Today, Schofield
Hall bears his name and honors his legacy.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Author Presentation on Bicycle History at Noon on Thursday Sept. 19
How did Wisconsin become such a great bicycling state? Join McIntyre Library on Thursday, September 19th for a noon hour event with the authors of the book, Wheel Fever: How Wisconsin Became a Great Bicycling State.
Jesse Gant and Nicholas Hoffman, co-authors of Wheel Fever from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press, will share how they unearthed the fascinating story behind bicycling in Wisconsin. Bob Eierman, chair of the City of Eau Claire Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Commission will introduce the authors. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and engage with the authors.
This event is free and open to the public. The presentation will be held on the library’s second floor breezeway (L2022) at noon; coffee and cookies will be available. This event is co-sponsored by UW-Eau Claire’s McIntyre Library and History Department. The authors will also appear at The Volume One Gallery for an evening presentation at 6:30pm on Thursday, September 19th.
Jesse Gant and Nicholas Hoffman, co-authors of Wheel Fever from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press, will share how they unearthed the fascinating story behind bicycling in Wisconsin. Bob Eierman, chair of the City of Eau Claire Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Commission will introduce the authors. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and engage with the authors.
This event is free and open to the public. The presentation will be held on the library’s second floor breezeway (L2022) at noon; coffee and cookies will be available. This event is co-sponsored by UW-Eau Claire’s McIntyre Library and History Department. The authors will also appear at The Volume One Gallery for an evening presentation at 6:30pm on Thursday, September 19th.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
FREE pizza, craft root beer & mini golf in McIntyre Library on 1st day of class (9/3)
McIntyre Library is proud to host the 4th annual After Dark welcome-to-school celebration on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 from 7-11 pm. http://on.fb.me/14ZwGIx
What happens at After Dark?
After Dark will feature games, Toppers pizza, Northwoods Brew Pub's "Rustic Root Beer" and live entertainment. Library staff have designed a multi-floor, 9-hole miniature golf course that has water hazards and utilizes one of the stairwells. Students can also play a variety of board & video games and participate in Family Feud, Pictionary, Bingo, and life-size Clue. Prizes will be awarded throughout the night.
UW-Eau Claire student groups will provide live entertainment. Theater troupe the UWEC Players will pose as living statues, the Eau Claire Irish Dance will perform, and dance group Two to Tango will provide free ballroom dancing lessons.
Why is the library doing this?
After Dark encourages UW-Eau Claire students to get acquainted with the library and each other in a safe, fun atmosphere. About 800 students attended the 2012 event.
Support for After Dark has been provided by McIntyre Library, Toppers Pizza, Northwoods Brew Pub, the Center for Alcohol Studies and Education, and the Center for International Education.
To learn more, contact Eric Jennings (jenninge@uwec.edu, 715-836-4076) or visit McIntyre Library’s events page (http://www.uwec.edu/Library/events/).
What happens at After Dark?
After Dark will feature games, Toppers pizza, Northwoods Brew Pub's "Rustic Root Beer" and live entertainment. Library staff have designed a multi-floor, 9-hole miniature golf course that has water hazards and utilizes one of the stairwells. Students can also play a variety of board & video games and participate in Family Feud, Pictionary, Bingo, and life-size Clue. Prizes will be awarded throughout the night.
Everything is completely free to UW-Eau Claire students, faculty & staff!
UW-Eau Claire student groups will provide live entertainment. Theater troupe the UWEC Players will pose as living statues, the Eau Claire Irish Dance will perform, and dance group Two to Tango will provide free ballroom dancing lessons.
Why is the library doing this?
After Dark encourages UW-Eau Claire students to get acquainted with the library and each other in a safe, fun atmosphere. About 800 students attended the 2012 event.
Support for After Dark has been provided by McIntyre Library, Toppers Pizza, Northwoods Brew Pub, the Center for Alcohol Studies and Education, and the Center for International Education.
To learn more, contact Eric Jennings (jenninge@uwec.edu, 715-836-4076) or visit McIntyre Library’s events page (http://www.uwec.edu/Library/events/).
Monday, August 19, 2013
New Mobile App for Accessing McIntyre Library
McIntyre Library's resources are included in the new UW-Eau Claire mobile app. In the app, use Library Search, which allows you to find books, articles, images, and audio/video items all in one convenient place!
The app is available via the following platforms:
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/uw-eau-claire-mobile/id685315642?mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dub.app.uweauclaire
Windows 8: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/62bfb4bf-8915-47b2-891a-84327d5a7ff3
Blackberry: to be added at a later date
If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the app, please leave a comment below, use "request a feature" within the app, or send an email to library.reference@uwec.edu.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Something's different on the Library website...
It is indeed. McIntyre Library is implementing its
revolutionary new search tool, Library Search, a collaborative project of the
UW System libraries. Library Search simultaneously searches library databases,
the catalog and other UW System library collections at lightning speed. We appreciate your patience during this implementation phase; as we know
at UW-Eau Claire, excellence is always under construction. Please contact the
library if you have questions about the new Library Search. And be on the
lookout for more information about this exciting new development in the days
and weeks to come.
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